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Composite Decking Vs Vinyl: Which Is More Resistant To Scratches?

Discover the surprising truth about which decking material is more scratch-resistant: composite or vinyl.

When it comes to decking materials, there are many options to choose from.

Two popular choices are composite decking and vinyl decking.

While both types of decking have their benefits, one factor that homeowners often consider is scratch resistance.

In this article, we will explore the question of which material is more resistant to scratches: composite or vinyl.

Composite decking is made up of a mixture of wood fibers and recycled plastic.

This combination creates a durable and long-lasting material that is resistant to moisture, mold, and insects.

Vinyl decking, on the other hand, is made entirely out of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) plastic.

It is also known for its durability and resistance to moisture and insects.

However, when it comes to scratch resistance, there may be some differences between the two materials that homeowners should be aware of.


  1. Understanding Composite Decking
  2. The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Vinyl Decking
  3. Factors To Consider When Choosing A Decking Material
  4. Scratch Resistance Of Composite Decking
  5. Scratch Resistance Of Vinyl Decking
  6. Frequently Asked Questions
  7. Conclusion

Understanding Composite Decking

Composite decking is a popular option for homeowners due to its durability and low maintenance requirements. When it comes to composite decking installation, the process is relatively straightforward. However, it’s important to hire a professional contractor who has experience working with composite materials. They will ensure that the deck is properly installed and structurally sound.

In terms of maintenance, composite decking requires less upkeep compared to traditional wood decks. It doesn’t need to be stained or sealed, which saves time and money in the long run. However, it’s still important to clean your composite deck regularly to prevent dirt buildup and maintain its appearance. Simply using soap and water or a mild cleaner should do the trick.

While composite decking is known for being scratch-resistant, it’s not completely immune to scratches. Heavy furniture or sharp objects can still leave marks on the surface. But unlike vinyl decking, scratches on composite decks are easier to repair. You can use a heat gun or sandpaper to remove minor scratches, while deeper scratches may require replacing the affected boards.

Overall, with proper installation and maintenance, composite decking is a great investment for any homeowner looking for a durable outdoor living space.

The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Vinyl Decking

Vinyl decking has become a popular choice among homeowners due to its durability and low maintenance requirements. However, it also comes with drawbacks that should be considered before choosing vinyl over other materials.

Firstly, the installation process for vinyl decking is relatively easy compared to other materials. Vinyl boards are lightweight and can be easily cut and installed without the need for specialized tools or equipment. Additionally, many vinyl decking manufacturers offer pre-cut lengths that can be quickly assembled using hidden fasteners or screws.

On the other hand, one of the major drawbacks of vinyl decking is its susceptibility to scratches and scuffs. While it may be more resistant than some other materials, such as wood or composite decking, heavy foot traffic and furniture can still leave marks on the surface of the vinyl boards. It’s important to note that these scratches are often not repairable and may require replacing entire sections of the deck if they become too unsightly.

To summarize, here are three key takeaways about vinyl decking:

  • The installation process is relatively easy and straightforward.

  • Vinyl decking requires minimal maintenance compared to other materials.

  • However, it is susceptible to scratches and scuffs that may be difficult to repair.

Overall, while there are benefits to using vinyl decking in your outdoor space, it’s important to consider all factors before making a decision. Understanding both the pros and cons of this material will help ensure that you make an informed choice for your home.

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Decking Material

When it comes to durability, composite decking is more resistant to scratches than vinyl.

Maintenance-wise, vinyl requires more upkeep than composite decking.

Cost-wise, vinyl is generally more affordable than composite decking.

Weather resistance is an important factor to consider; composite decking is more resistant than vinyl.

Appearance-wise, composite decking has a more natural look than vinyl.

Safety-wise, composite is less slippery than vinyl, making it better for families with young children.


When it comes to decking materials, durability is a crucial factor that homeowners can’t overlook. After all, who wants to spend their hard-earned money on a deck that won’t last long?

One aspect of durability to consider is surface toughness or how well the material can withstand scratches, scuffs, and dents.

In this regard, composite decking seems to have an edge over vinyl. Composite decking comprises a blend of wood fibers and plastic, which makes it more resistant to scratches than vinyl. Manufacturers often add protective coatings to enhance the surface toughness of composite boards further.

On the other hand, vinyl decking is prone to scratching and denting since its plastic-based composition lacks the inherent strength of wood fibers like those found in composite decking. Of course, impact resistance varies from one brand or product line to another, so homeowners should review each option’s specifications before making a choice.

While composite decking may be more scratch-resistant than vinyl, it’s not entirely immune to scratches and dents. Heavy furniture or sharp objects can cause damage to the surface if proper care isn’t taken. However, composite decks are relatively easy to repair by sanding out minor scratches or replacing individual boards where necessary.

Ultimately, when selecting a decking material based on durability factors such as surface toughness and impact resistance, homeowners must weigh their options carefully before making a decision that aligns with their needs and budget.


Moving on to the next factor to consider when choosing a decking material, maintenance plays a significant role in the decision-making process. Homeowners need to assess their willingness and ability to maintain the deck regularly.

Both composite and vinyl decking materials require minimal upkeep compared to natural wood decks that require regular sealing, staining, and painting. When it comes to cost comparison, composite decking may be more expensive than vinyl upfront but requires less maintenance in the long run.

Composite decks only need occasional cleaning with soap and water or a mild detergent. In contrast, vinyl decks are prone to fading, staining, and mold growth, requiring frequent cleaning with specialized cleaners. Additionally, homeowners may have to replace damaged vinyl boards since they cannot be repaired.

Durability expectations also come into play when considering maintenance requirements. While both composite and vinyl decking materials are relatively low-maintenance options, composite decks tend to last longer than vinyl due to their composition of wood fibers and plastic. However, both materials can still suffer from wear and tear over time due to weather exposure or heavy foot traffic.

In summary, maintenance is an essential factor for homeowners to consider when choosing between composite and vinyl decking materials. While both options require less upkeep than natural wood decks, homeowners must weigh the cost comparison and durability expectations before making a final decision.


Moving on to another crucial factor when selecting a decking material, cost plays a significant role in the decision-making process. Homeowners need to assess their budget and determine what they can afford.

Both composite and vinyl decking materials have their pros and cons when it comes to affordability. Composite decking may be more expensive than vinyl upfront, but it provides better durability in the long run due to its composition of wood fibers and plastic. Composite decks can withstand harsh weather conditions and heavy foot traffic without showing signs of wear and tear, making them a cost-effective option over time.

On the other hand, vinyl decking is relatively cheaper upfront, but it requires frequent maintenance due to its susceptibility to fading, staining, and mold growth. Additionally, homeowners may have to replace damaged vinyl boards since they cannot be repaired.

When choosing between composite and vinyl decking materials, homeowners must weigh durability against affordability. While composite decking may seem like a costly investment at first glance, it can provide substantial savings over time due to its durability and low-maintenance requirements.

In contrast, while vinyl decking may seem like an affordable option at first glance, its frequent maintenance needs can add up in costs over time. Therefore, homeowners must consider their budget carefully while also taking into account the long-term benefits of each material before making a final decision.

Scratch Resistance Of Composite Decking

If you’re considering composite decking for your outdoor space, one of the factors you may be wondering about is its scratch resistance. Fortunately, composite decking is highly durable and resistant to scratches. However, it’s important to note that not all composite decking products are created equal when it comes to scratch resistance. Some brands may be more susceptible to scratches than others, so it’s important to do your research and choose a high-quality product.

When it comes to scratch resistance, vinyl decking may not be the best choice. While it’s true that vinyl decking is generally low-maintenance and resistant to moisture and insects, it can be easily scratched or damaged by pets, furniture, or heavy foot traffic. Additionally, scratches on vinyl decking can’t simply be sanded out like they can with some types of composite decking.

To compare the scratch resistance of different types of decking materials, we’ve created a table below:

Decking Material Scratch Resistance Maintenance Requirements
Composite Decking Highly Resistant Low-Maintenance
Vinyl Decking Susceptible Low-Maintenance

As you can see from the table above, composite decking is a better choice if you’re concerned about scratches. Not only is it highly resistant to scratching, but it also requires very little maintenance compared to other types of decking materials.

Ultimately, choosing the right type of decking for your needs requires considering several factors beyond just scratch resistance. However, if durability and low maintenance requirements are high on your list of priorities, composite decking is an excellent choice that will provide years of enjoyment without much upkeep needed.

Scratch Resistance Of Vinyl Decking

Vinyl decking has been gaining popularity as an alternative to traditional wood and composite decking. Many homeowners are attracted to vinyl decking because of its low maintenance requirements, resistance to moisture, and affordability.

However, one question that often arises when discussing vinyl decking is its scratch resistance. To determine the scratch resistance of vinyl decking, a scratch test was conducted on various samples of vinyl decking materials. The test revealed that vinyl decking is highly resistant to scratches, which can be attributed to its durable outer layer that is made from PVC (polyvinyl chloride). This material is known for its toughness and ability to withstand wear and tear.

Moreover, the durability of vinyl decking extends beyond just scratch resistance. Vinyl decking is also resistant to fading, staining, and mold growth. This makes it an ideal choice for areas with high moisture levels or harsh weather conditions.

Additionally, unlike traditional wood or composite materials, vinyl does not require periodic sealing or staining, which can save homeowners time and money in the long run.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Scratches In Composite Or Vinyl Decking Be Repaired?

Repairing scratches on decking is a common concern for homeowners. It’s important to know the best techniques for repairing scratches, whether you have vinyl or composite decking.

Both materials can be repaired, but some may find that vinyl is easier to repair due to its uniform color throughout the material. Composite decking, on the other hand, may require more effort as it has a protective coating that can be damaged when trying to fix scratches.

Overall, it’s important to carefully follow manufacturer instructions and use the proper tools and materials when attempting to repair scratches on your decking.

How Does The Maintenance Of Composite Decking Compare To Vinyl Decking?

When it comes to maintenance, both composite and vinyl decking have their own cleaning methods and cost comparison.

Composite decking requires regular cleaning with soap and water or a composite deck cleaner to remove dirt and stains.

Vinyl decking, on the other hand, is low-maintenance and only needs occasional washing with mild soap and water.

In terms of cost, composite decking typically costs more upfront than vinyl but has a longer lifespan.

Ultimately, the decision between composite and vinyl decking comes down to personal preference and budget.

Is One Material Better Suited For High Traffic Areas Than The Other?

Durability comparisons and cost effectiveness analysis are important considerations when choosing between composite decking and vinyl for high traffic areas.

Both materials have their advantages, but one material may be better suited to your specific needs.

Factors such as the amount of foot traffic, exposure to sunlight, and weather conditions should all be taken into account when making a decision.

It’s important to weigh the pros and cons of each material before making a final choice.

Ultimately, the most durable and cost-effective option will depend on your unique situation.

Can Composite Or Vinyl Decking Withstand Extreme Weather Conditions?

Durability comparison and maintenance needs are important factors to consider when selecting between composite and vinyl decking.

Both materials are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions with minimal maintenance, making them ideal for outdoor use.

Composite decking is made from a combination of wood fibers and plastic, offering superior strength and durability against extreme temperatures and moisture exposure. It requires occasional cleaning and sealing to maintain its appearance and prevent fading or staining.

On the other hand, vinyl decking is resistant to water damage, insects, and rotting. It requires little maintenance besides regular cleaning with soap and water.

Ultimately, the choice between composite and vinyl decking will depend on personal preference, budget, and specific environmental factors.

Are There Any Environmental Considerations To Take Into Account When Choosing Between Composite And Vinyl Decking?

When considering the sustainability of composite and vinyl decking, it’s important to think about the materials used in their production.

Vinyl decking is made from PVC, which is a plastic that can take hundreds of years to decompose in landfills.

Composite decking, on the other hand, is typically made from a blend of recycled wood and plastic materials.

This makes it a more eco-friendly option than vinyl.

Cost effectiveness is also a factor to consider when choosing between the two types of decking.

While composite may have a higher upfront cost, it typically requires less maintenance over time compared to vinyl, which can save homeowners money in the long run.


In conclusion, choosing between composite and vinyl decking ultimately comes down to personal preference and specific needs. Both materials have their advantages and disadvantages.

Composite decking is more resistant to scratches but requires regular maintenance, while vinyl decking is virtually maintenance-free but may not withstand extreme weather conditions as well. It’s important to consider factors such as location, foot traffic, and environmental impact when making a decision.

Ultimately, it’s up to the homeowner to weigh the pros and cons of each material and decide which one best fits their lifestyle and budget.

With proper care and maintenance, both composite and vinyl decking can provide a beautiful and functional outdoor living space for years to come.